MBF Alienator
Are we alone in this vast universe?
Are we alone in this vast universe?
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N U+004E | O U+004F | P U+0050 | Q U+0051 | R U+0052 | S U+0053 | T U+0054 | U U+0055 |
V U+0056 | W U+0057 | X U+0058 | Y U+0059 | Z U+005A | \ U+005C | _ U+005F | a U+0061 |
b U+0062 | c U+0063 | d U+0064 | e U+0065 | f U+0066 | g U+0067 | h U+0068 | i U+0069 |
j U+006A | k U+006B | l U+006C | m U+006D | n U+006E | o U+006F | p U+0070 | q U+0071 |
r U+0072 | s U+0073 | t U+0074 | u U+0075 | v U+0076 | w U+0077 | x U+0078 | y U+0079 |
z U+007A | | U+007C | ¢ U+00A2 | £ U+00A3 | ¥ U+00A5 | ⁄ U+2044 | € U+20AC |
Font Description:
Alienator, a clean modern minimalist font. Inspired by the exploration of the unknown space. The sleek and thin design emphasize the smart feel and stands out in the futuristic scifi theme typeface collection.
Files Format :
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