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− U+2212 |
Introducing MBF Manon, a striking modern display typeface brought to life by the creative minds at Moonbandit Font Foundry. With its clean lines, geometric forms, and contemporary elegance, MBF Manon effortlessly captures attention and commands the spotlight in any design project.
This versatile typeface is designed to shine in various settings, from eye-catching headlines on websites and posters to captivating branding elements for logos and packaging. Its well-balanced proportions and thoughtful spacing make it a perfect choice for both digital and print applications, ensuring legibility and visual impact across all mediums.
Manon’s character set boasts an extensive range of glyphs, providing multilingual support and catering to diverse typography needs. The font’s subtle nuances and distinctive letterforms exude a sense of modern sophistication, making it a go-to choice for designers seeking a touch of refinement and individuality in their work.
Whether you’re aiming to create bold, attention-grabbing compositions or seeking a touch of elegance and class, MBF Manon is the ideal display typeface to elevate your designs and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
kerning, alternates