We all have the need for speed
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M U+004D | N U+004E | O U+004F | P U+0050 | Q U+0051 | R U+0052 | S U+0053 | T U+0054 |
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g U+0067 | h U+0068 | i U+0069 | j U+006A | k U+006B | l U+006C | m U+006D | n U+006E |
o U+006F | p U+0070 | q U+0071 | r U+0072 | s U+0073 | t U+0074 | u U+0075 | v U+0076 |
w U+0077 | x U+0078 | y U+0079 | z U+007A | { U+007B | | U+007C | } U+007D | ¢ U+00A2 |
£ U+00A3 | ¥ U+00A5 | ß U+00DF | – U+2013 | ⁄ U+2044 | € U+20AC | − U+2212 |
Font Description:
Swift is a futuristic sci-fi font by Moonbandit foundry. This flowing modern sans serif typeface combines sharp and rounded edges to maximize dynamic and fresh look. The thickness of the design can grab the attention of your customer easily. Swift is best used as a wordmark, logo, title, headline and big sizes application.
Files Format :
Opentype Features :
Kerning, Discretionary Ligature
Kerning, Discretionary Ligature
Tags: abc, alphabet, bold, branding, decorative, design, digital, display, font, futuristic, geometric, headline, logo, logotype, minimalist, modern, numerical, poster, sans serif, scifi, space, techno, technology, titling, typeface, typography, uppercase
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