MBF Little Tooth
Lay your head on the pillow and play in your dreams
Lay your head on the pillow and play in your dreams
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› U+203A | ⁄ U+2044 | € U+20AC | − U+2212 |
Font Description:
Moonbandit proudly presents little tooth. a beautiful, handwritten typeface. Inspired by the innocence of children, Little tooth is perfect for nursery, kids theme, with it’s playful and fun design. Little tooth font comes with multilingual support.
Files Format :
Opentype Features :
Tags: abc, alphabet, classy, creative, decorative, design, display, elegant, experimental, font, fun, grotesk, handcrafted, handmade, handwritten, headline, logotype, lowercase, luxurious, luxury, minimalist, modern, music, numbers, numerical, poster, regular, sans serif, script, signature, thin, trendy, typeface, typography, unique, uppercase
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